How to Set Goals for 2022 and Beyond

It’s the beginning of the new year and it’s time to set new, inspiring goals for the year ahead! It’s been stated that a goal is a dream with a plan. Having goals that support you in leading your best life is very helpful! When talking to my students about goal setting, we came up with the following thoughts and ideas. Read ahead for inspiration and start setting impactful goals for yourself!

Come up with a few “SMART” goals

My students and I have found success by using “SMART” goals, i.e., goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-limited. You want to set goals that stretch you to reach higher. Focus on 3-4 major goals and include various areas of your life, such as relationships, health, career, finances, etc. You can always add more later as you experience success with the first few. Make sure that your goals are well-aligned with your values.

Write down your goals

Simply writing your goals down on paper and revisiting them frequently is a very powerful technique! This process etches the ideas in your subconscious mind and makes it more likely that you achieve your goals. Break down your larger goals into smaller, more achievable ones. You can set weekly and daily goals, which can then be placed on your to-do list.

For example, you may set the big goal of publishing your first peer-reviewed journal paper this year. You can break down this goal into subgoals, such as:

  1. Perform a review of the literature on the topic of your paper
  2. Prepare your initial results to be discussed with your advisor and other collaborators at your next research meeting
  3. Receive feedback and take action to implement the feedback
  4. Discuss the revised results with your team
  5. Draft an outline of your publication and discuss it with your team
  6. Fill in the outline with your first draft
  7. Seek comments on your first draft
  8. Revise until ready to submit to a journal

Take massive action

As Tony Robbins likes to say, “Taking massive action on your goals is a crucial step.” You can get inspiration from Tony and see his workshops and talks – many are available online for free! For example, see here:

Taking steps towards your goals will help build your momentum. If you are uncertain of the best action steps to take, here are a few tips:

  1. Educate yourself by researching your goal. Breaking down a larger goal into smaller tasks requires you to understand how the different parts will come together. Setting the correct goals is the first step in achieving them. 
  2. Seek out someone who has already attained the goal and ask for advice. Everybody works in different ways, but asking the opinion of someone who has attained one of your goals can help you avoid obstacles. Werner Heisenberg said an expert is someone who knows what the common mistakes are, and how to avoid them. Make the path to your goals easier by seeking the wisdom of others!
  3. Stay motivated until your goal is achieved. There will be times of failure and discouragement. Setbacks along the way should always be expected, and without obstacles there would be no opportunity to learn. In times like these, find ways to stay motivated. Here are some tips on staying motivated:


As you achieve your goals, take time to celebrate your successes! Setting small, achievable goals will enable you to celebrate successes along the way to your larger goals. This approach reinforces a sense of accomplishment and builds momentum towards future goals. 


Setting goals for yourself is an impactful way to bridge your values with your career and life aspirations. Carving out time to work on yourself to set and ultimately achieve meaningful goals can be a great source of inspiration and change your life for the better. In times of discouragement, try to remind yourself of why you set your initial goals and stay motivated with the “little wins” you achieve on your journey. Not every goal you set can be accomplished in a day, but in time, and by using some of the techniques discussed here, you can achieve what you set out to do!

Have you set impactful goals for this year? Tell us in a comment below!

3 thoughts on “How to Set Goals for 2022 and Beyond”

  1. I have always been struggling to understand the difference between a dream and a goal. ‘A goal is a dream with a plan’, are some excellent choice of words. Thank you, Prof.Sara and team!

    I dream to become an academic who inspires and the goal I set for 2022 is to start a blog to share things I find interesting. Mostly scientific, but the aim is to create a platform where I can express my views.

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